Elderly Care Physiotherapy

Improve mobility and increase independence

When it comes to ageing, ‘use it, don’t lose it’ is our mantra. We aim to keep our patients independent for as long as possible.

Regular physiotherapy can improve strength, improve mobility, increase confidence and in turn reduce reliance on carers and become safer in the home.

By having a physiotherapy assessment in the home environment, we can look for potential accident or fall risks, with suggestions of prevention measures to implement that can do wonders to improve safety.

Providing you with the best physiotherapy care for the elderly in the comfort of your own home

We help you manage

  • Reduced strength and mobility
  • Poor balance and coordination
  • Fractures
  • Falls rehabilitation and prevention
  • Long hospital stays
  • Chest infections
  • Respiratory problems
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Covid rehab


Asian young woman checking knee of elderly woman at home senior

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